The 2nd International call for application is now closed. More information about the next call will be published soon.
- Mesoscale modelling of memory effects in glasses
- Biomechanics of the plant roots in granular soils
- The electrodynamics of iron-arsenide superconductors: Consequences of the multiband physics on electronic correlations and competing orders
- Formulation of self-healing vitrimer membranes
- Growth and mechanics of actin filament networks
- Scanning Tunneling microscopy of superconducting single photon detectors
- Physics of virus diffusion: from environmental studies to medical applications
- Fracture dynamics in soft matter – large strain meets dissipation - a model study
- From clouds to our environment: proteomic study of microorganisms contained in clouds
- Label-free optical imaging with super-resolution and 3D tomographic reconstruction of light scattered around nanostructures and through complex media
- Real-time visualization and modulation of spatial codes in the brain during memory consolidation
- Mechanical response of surface-attached hydrogel thin films: poroelasticity and phase transition
- Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) - Spin Crossover Complexes (SCO) hybrid architectures for sensing applications
- Programmable active matter for transport optimization
- Combinatorial drug screening with droplet microfluidics
- Fast in depth Ultrasound Optical Tomography (UOT) of biological tissues with structured ultrasonic excitation
- Emergent Mechanics in Model Synthetic Active Materials